I had heard (and seen) a lot of Amalfi Coast in the past, so I knew what to expect, but I still didn't appreciate how beautiful that part of the world could be!

Wow.. quite simply one of the most spectacular places I have ever been. Positano is the embodiment of La Dolce Vita.

History, architecture, coffee, food, football.. Rome could well be the most perfect city. I spent 3 days here and could have happily spent another 3 here exploring - can't say that about many large cities.

A whirlwind 48 hours in Siena, Florence and Pisa

A short stop in Milan, before I ended my trip in Venice. You can really tell the difference between southern & northern Italy, and no city encapsulates the north like Milan.

The final destination on my whistle-stop tour of Italy. Hell of a place, unlike anywhere else i've been to. Unique views at every turn, it's hard to make Venice look bad.